Sunday, January 1, 2017

Perspective— Learning to love the little things


It's a little word with a big impact. 

I recently began feeling a little down when I realized that I have no big plans or dreams for 2017. I have no resolutions in mind. No lofty goals. No huge projects to tackle. Nothing.  

In years past I've entered the new year determined to do all the things

Not this year. This year I simply want to savor all the good things that are already in my life. I want to be—not do

I want to be present. 

To be joyful. 


I want to be mindful of all of the good things that God has already placed around me. I want to find joy in the everyday circumstances of this beautiful life I live. I want to count my blessings.

Somewhere along the way I feel like I've lost my sense of gratitude. And with it went my optimism. And my joy. I let the aching of this life overshadow the beauty that is all around me.

That's what happens when you focus on the negative instead of the positive. In 2017 I need to re-focus. I need to choose to look at life from a different perspective.

I had the pleasure of speaking to a group of
moms about perspective last March.

This is a doodle I created as I was preparing
for that talk. 
I'm sure there will be future years where I will set big goals. There will be years I dream big dreams. God willing, there will be years I set out to influence the world.   

This year, while it isn't the only thing I want to accomplish, I am choosing to focus on one goal and one goal only. 

I want to learn to love the little things. The simple, every day, beautiful things. 

As I find the time to write this year I will share glimpses of the everyday people, objects, and moments that make life amazing—even if it means I have to work harder to look at things from a different angle to find the beauty through the mess and the mundane. 

Today I am grateful for perspective, for it is through a right perspective that I can see God's hand at work—even in the little things. 

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