Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our Love Story—A Man Like That

I went to Ekklessia for the first time that next Wednesday night. I was certain I’d found the group of friends that I wanted to spend time with. And if they all hung out together at church on Wednesday nights, that’s where I would be too.

The evening started off with praise and worship then moved into a teaching time. Rob, the college group leader spoke as usual that night. He spoke with such vigor, conviction and passion that I found myself absolutely lost in his words. He made the word of God come alive in a way I’d never experienced it before.

I suddenly found myself emotionally conflicted. I realized then and there that I wanted to marry a man that loved God so much that he wanted to serve him with his whole life. I wanted to marry a man whose love for God was as evident as it was in this man standing before me preaching from God’s word.

Never in a million years did I conceive of it actually being this man, because I still assumed he was taken. But I knew for certain that it wasn’t the boyfriend I had waiting back at home.

I took a trip to St. Helens that weekend where my boyfriend and I ended our nearly year long relationship. It was more or less mutual so it was fairly painless. A few tears were shed, but mostly over the inevitable loss of the friendship we’d developed more than the loss of the romantic relationship that we’d been hanging onto.  

I drove back to campus that Sunday night with a new lease on life. I was young. I was single and I was beginning to sense God’s direction for my life a little more clearly each and every day. And—I’ll be honest, now that I knew things were finished for good with the guy back home, I was anxiously awaiting what God would have in store for me in the romance department on this campus full of amazing people.

I had no idea at the time that I wouldn’t have to wait very long for the answer, nor did I even begin to fathom that the man who unknowingly convinced me to finally sever ties with my long-term boyfriend might soon actually take an interest in me!

Click on the "Our Love Story" tag at the top of the page to see other love story posts, or to start from the beginning.

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